If you spend a significant amount of money at major shops such as Amazon, Target, or Walmart regularly, obtaining a store credit card might enable you to realize cost savings on your purchases. Even though store cards have a notoriously poor reputation due to the high-interest rates and limited credit limits often associated with them, certain store cards provide exceptional reward opportunities. The best store credit cards may earn you a cashback reward of up to 5 percent at large stores, while the best general cashback cards can only give you 2 percent.
If you don't mind carrying around an additional credit card only to use at your preferred retailer, consider adding a credit card of this sort to your wallet. Some of the finest store credit cards may also be great general rewards, and they can return large cash on purchases that are made regularly.
Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature
Online shoppers and members of Amazon Prime have a fantastic option available to them in the form of the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature, which JPMorgan Chase issues. This credit card gives a cashback bonus of 5% on all purchases made at Amazon and Whole Foods, in addition to a cash back bonus of 2% on purchases made at restaurants, petrol stations, and pharmacies. Note, however, that to qualify for the 5% discount, you will need a Prime membership, which costs $139 a year to maintain. The charge is reduced to 3% if the membership is not present. 1% cash back is earned on all other types of transactions.
Amazon is the most comprehensive online retailer in the United States regarding sales, and it offers almost every product imaginable. The value of an Amazon Prime Rewards card should be straightforward to maximize for an individual who does a lot of shopping online.
Suppose you have a Prime subscription and use your card to make purchases totaling $1,000 per month. You spend $500 at Amazon, earning you $300 in cash back after a year on these transactions alone, bringing your total cash back earned to $600. Your yearly cash back would increase by $90 if you charged an additional $250 per month on eating and petrol, with the remaining $250 going toward expenditures that do not qualify for bonus categories. Thanks to this achievement, your total annual reward earnings with Amazon Prime Rewards are now $390.
Capital One Walmart Rewards® Card
If you do most of your shopping at Walmart—especially on its website—one of the best credit cards is the Capital One Walmart Rewards card from Capital One. This card offers a 5% cash back incentive for purchases made at Walmart.com and a 2% cash back incentive for purchases made in Walmart stores, restaurants, and on travel. 1% cash back is earned on all other purchases.
On top of that, you can earn a higher cashback rate on in-store purchases. The Capital One Walmart credit card does not come with a sign-up bonus, but if you use Walmart Pay, the store's equivalent of a mobile wallet, during your first year of having the card, you will get 5% cash back on purchases made at Walmart.
Along the same lines as the Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature card, the allure of the Capital One Walmart card lies in the fact that Walmart provides an almost endless variety of products. Walmart is the most comprehensive shopping destination in the United States; it sells almost everything, from food and apparel to home furnishings and electrical equipment. If you spend most of your shopping at Walmart, using this card will provide you with benefits that are difficult to compete with.
Apple Card
Apple devotees who are also at ease making payments using Apple Pay anywhere it's accepted may find that the Apple Card, which Goldman Sachs issues, is a viable alternative to consider. The card provides a 3% cash-back rebate on purchases made at Apple and other participating retailers when Apple Pay is used to make payments.
Businesses such as Walgreens and Duane Reade, Uber and Uber Eats, T-Mobile shops, Exxon and Mobil gas stations, Nike, Panera, and Ace Hardware are among those that qualify as eligible merchants. 2% of the purchase price of anything else you buy with Apple Pay will be refunded. 1% cash back is earned on all other purchases.
If you are an Apple fanatic, using the Apple Card to its full potential should be easy enough. Apple claims that 85 percent of businesses in the United States already accept Apple Pay, which means you should be able to use it for most of your purchases.
If you spend $1,000 per month, including $100 on purchases from Apple and Uber and $500 on purchases made using Apple Pay, you will earn $156 annually via cash-back rewards. You would also make an additional $48 on your purchases. You would get a total of $204 in cash back during a year.